Friday, July 30, 2010

Quotes. Lyrics. Stories.

Today I am at a loss for what to Blog about (scary, i know)!! So, I shall list some quotes, lyrics and stories that have happened so far at MOTION 2010... and maybe there just might be a revelation toward the end dealing with what God is trying to set free from my heart into words for the world to hear.

Waffle house at midnight is a great way to end the first night of MOTION. I worked stage security for Pastor John Larson and singer Kari Jobe for the kick-off worship session. It rocked!! Seeing so many young people just worshipping and loving on God was astounding!! After a couple hours of hanging with young people, the conference ended for the night and Riley, Beth, Kate and I headed to the Moody Waffle House to get our grub on (I had not eaten for about 12 hours at this time). Getting out of the car was a bit harder for some than others. Riley about face planted in the parking lot once we arrived, and after laughing at her, Kate did the same thing. It looked like I was herding drunk high schoolers into an (already sketchy) establishment, awesome!! So we enter the restaurant and find the only clean booth in the whole place. We order our food, and people start clearing out. About the time our food comes out, it is just to four of us and some employees. We were being completely goofy from lack of food and being exhausted. Riley almost choked on water when Kate mentioned a pig roast and our waitress was talking about how the place is usually filled with drunk old people dancing to the jukebox in the corner. The night could not have ended better (well, actually we were all missing Madison a ton and wished she could have been there with us)!! So we ventured home to get a little sleep before having to be back at the Highlands for MOTION day 2 at 0900!!

Some notable quotes from Bible study and pastoral influence:

"Holy Spirit, brainwash me and align my thoughts with Yours" - Me

"Faith in motion through leaping not listening" - Pastor Layne

"The able Protector is also the abundant Provider" - MacArthur Study Bible about Psalm 23

What's playing on replay on my iPod:

Hosanna - Hillsong United

Revelation Song - Kari Jobe

Walls Down - Highlands Worship Band

Short blog today, maybe I will write some more this evening... getting more and more excited about the possibility of 20:20 and moving to Fort Benning... busy, busy year lined up!!

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