Saturday, July 24, 2010

Pell City Adventures

So last night, the fam (Mama, Daddy, Riley, Madison, Cory) and I ventured into the wondrous City of Pell for some karaoke. There was a little po-dunk (what's not around here, right?!) sports grill and pub, called JC's about seven minutes from our house that has karaoke on Friday nights and minors can be there until about 2300 (which is when the kitchen closed). As we walk in, our lungs were attacked by the thickest cloud of cigarette smoke ever imaginable (ok, that might be a bit hyperbolic, but still, it was gross). The place was packed, it wasn't that big to begin with, but now it felt like a studio apartment full of chain smoking, judgmental rednecks (wait a minute, it might have been). We found five chairs up toward the front, so we could be close to the karaoke, since after all, that was the main reason we went to this bar/grill in the first place. We sat through the first couple singers, who were actually quite good; so Madison and I grab a song book and start picking songs we would like to sing. Cory and Daddy were even hoping to sing a Rush song or two. Then the fun started...

A couple drunk (like way beyond drunk and c'mon, it's only about 2145!!) guys come over to Madison and I and say, "Uh, these chairs were reserved". Like any sober person in a bar, I just looked away. This guy proceeds to grab my sweatshirt and pick me up off the chair. I grabbed his hand, pushed it way and got off the chair on my own. His friend, who was about 65 years old declined to take our chairs at first, but the other Delta Bravo shooed Madison and I out of our chairs so they could sit down and watch some lady sing her song. I moved over by Cory (and I was irate) and I watched the older drunk guy try to tell Madison he was sorry for taking our chairs, but the other guy was just being rude and obnoxious about the whole situation. Then as the older guy grabbed Madison's arm, Daddy stepped in and said something along the lines of "touch her again and see what happens". At that, we made the executive decision to leave this dive and head out. We load back into the pilot where Daddy offers to buy us all Taco Bell so that the night is not a complete waste. Just when we think the night is over, the second half begins...

Instead of Taco Bell, we decide to make a Sonic stop, because most of us wanted ice cream and it was closer. Well, let me tell you about the Sonic in Pell City for all of you Spokane people. It's like the K-Mart parking lot on a Friday night, right?! Okay, so now that you are up to speed on the demographic of the people we ran into at Sonic, I will tell you about their wardrobe. One guy was wearing a hubcap for a necklace (like Flava Flav wears a clock) but this guy was whiter than white and a little overweight. Then there was another "winner" smoking and wearing nothing but purple basketball shorts... AWESOME!! They were all congregating around a red pick-up (very redneck, I know). We continue through the parking lot, park and get out to go order our food. Daddy orders first, then Madison, Riley, I order and Cory was last. This boy (meaning Cory) orders a root beer float and water... but this is how he orders it, "I would like a large root beer float and a water, because it's free". This then started a confusion conversation between Cory and the Sonic worker about what is free and what is not. It was hilarious.

So our night out was eventually epic, even if it wasn't in the way we wanted it to be. A couple things I learned from last night, I can take on drunk people (no matter their size), Sonic Blasts are way better without whip cream and I miss Wednesday nights at Fizzies (Pell City needs a high class bar).

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