Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Peeves. Name for a Pet.

Today's insight will be coming from a few things that can get me riled up enough to yell things at people who cannot hear me. I am talking about pet peeves... those little things (or BIG things) that eat away at a person and almost cause said person to go insane. I feel that the annoyances that I am about to indulge in are things that would frustrate most people. But if these "habits" don't annoy you, then you might be one of the people doing certain things to put a little edge in someone's day. If that is the case, I shall pray hard for you :)

First up is a simple formula I call customer service and a genuine regard to the human way of life. Twice since I have moved to Pell City, AL have I been shirked out of my correct change. Now, I am not talking about pennies of even a quarter. I have been cheated out of $14.00 all based on a person's inattentiveness to detail. The first time I received the wrong change was at a McDonalds but the second time rings more clearly in my mind. I hand someone a $20 bill and a dime for $4.07 worth of groceries (actually it was cough drops and soup for the sickness that has afflicted me as of late). I expect to get back $16.03, right?! It is simple mathematics (so simple the computer does it for you). I know I have a degree in English and math is not always my strong suit, but I do now how to add and subtract (especially when it comes to my money)! The "nice" cashier hands me back $6.07. Excuse me, but how... why... HOW? So I say nicely, "um, I handed you a $20". The girl opens her drawer and sees that I am right. So instead of figuring out how much she really owes me in change, she hands me another $6 and proceeds to help the next customer. So right there I was still missing $4, but I am not one to make a scene, so I grabbed my bag and left. Grrr...

My second pet peeve is drivers. Road, interstate, car, truck... whatever!! I hate drivers!! i might just go off on a random, irate tangent for a minute, so bear with me. You know when you are in town, in the turn lane and you have the GREEN ARROW... however, the car(s) in front of you don't care that there are a MILLION cars behind them waiting to turn, so they take their sweet time. Thus, allowing two cars to make it through the five minute light and the rest of us have to wait. I hate that. Another instance of bad driving is when you are on the freeway and the passing lane is being taken up by "Sunday drivers"... ISN'T THERE A LAW AGAINST GOING TOO SLOW ON THE INTERSTATE??? OBSTRUCTION OF TRAFFIC??? Then somehow, those same drivers like to cut people off on the highway and don't even give a little courteous wave, like, thanks for letting me over, I know I am a moron?!?! I will have to say though, that my number one driver pet peeve (that has actually caused my to attempt to roll down my window and violently yell at these certain people) is when there is a merge sign and these (special, illiterate, moronic, etc) people wait until their lane is completely gone to get over. It's like their God-given right to cut everyone else (who can read) off because they want to get ahead of all the traffic. Then they end up being stopped like the rest of us (just a few cars up). Then once we get out of the construction zone, or traffic jam, these speed racers (who had to be in the front of everyone) ARE THE SAME IDIOTS WHO LOLLY GAG IN THE FREAKING PASSING LANE!!!!! I just do not understand their driving techniques and I guess I never will.

The last thing that I am going to go off on today is that of the higher-ups who don't care. As I sit, day after day, waiting on the Army... I get a little angrier and angrier at the fact that a single sheet of paper that needs two scribbles (signatures) on it takes months to accomplish. All I need is a signature from a superior officer saying that I can be released from Alabama, to go to Georgia and begin my work as a training/admin NCO... I don't understand why they hold back soldiers who want to work or who are needed in these positions. You would think that the Army (or any military organization) would put the well being of the very backbone of their organization (the soldiers) as a top priority for anything. Whatever happened to the motto "a happy employee is a good employee"? I understand that I am owned by the government and I will do as they say regardless... but I still wonder about work ethics and respect since the Army tends to value those ideals along with integrity, loyalty and selfless service.

Anyway, so that is what has been on my mind as of late. Along with being in constant prayer for the youth of the nation and asking God for the strength, courage and boldness as I wait for the LORD to reveal what it is that He wants me to be doing while I wait for the Army. Your prayers would be much appreciated as well...

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