Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Who Said It Was Okay?!

As of late there has been something on my mind... actually I think it is on a lot of people's minds. Trends. Twitter has trending topics (#followedbytrend) and it seems when one or two people start wearing or saying something, within weeks it is a full fledged trend (hand hugs, good games, balls man). I have been constantly seeing little patterns that show up everywhere and as I was ranting this morning, Mama and I got to talking about trends and why they come about. This blog is to inform you of some of the things that are going on in today's world and to ask the question described by my face below: WHY?!

Everywhere I go (which is mainly Wal-Mart, Church of the Highlands and the Starbucks at Trussville) there are girls (and grown women) who wear nothing but running shorts, t-shirts and flip-flops, with their hair in a messy bun. Oh and these are not just any running shorts, they are short, shorts and an overly large shirt. Why? I can understand runners doing it after practice, but anyone, anytime during the day... come on now, this trend is just ridiculous. Who decided that one day they were going to wear shorts and a tee shirt EVERYWHERE?! Mama said this was popular when she was growing up in the 70's and 80's... but why now, again?

From this tangent, Mama dove into the topic of hairstyles and trends in general. The faux hawk (which I rock almost daily) was not a popular trend until very recently. Only one or two guys are known for this unique hairstyle. David Boreanez (Angel) from the television show Buffy the Vampire Slayer, had a stellar faux hawk, as did famous soccer player David Beckham. Nowadays, everyone and their mother (literally) has a faux hawk. But who decided that it was cool rock the faux hawk?

Another thing is the whole vampire thing... I watched Buffy when it was in it's prime (1999-2006). In no way was it cool to be a vampire, but it was cool to slay them. Unless, it was Angel or Spike, all vampires were evil, demons. Vampires were in now way, sparkly and cuddly. They did not have super powers, other than sub-human strength. How come Buffy died out, then less that three years later, the whole world wants to be like the Cullen family and drink Tru-Blood. This is the trend that is the most disturbing...

The same thing can be debated for skinny jeans and most of the crazy fashion of today's world... what ever happened to being original? I guess that is where all the trends come from. Someone decided to be original and other people saw it and created a fashion trend. I saw a quote that sums all of this up on a Mike's Hard lemonade bottle, "If you are going to be original, count on being copied". I guess we have the original people of the world to hold responsible as the reason for having so many trends. This in turn, begs the question, "Is it really that good to be original if all it does is create little armies of copies who will just cling to the next trend a week later?"

Does anyone think about this stuff as well?!


  1. One thing I don't understand is girls who give crooked peace signs and pucker their lips in EVERY picture... it just looks retarded!

  2. I agree Naynay! I'm not a trend follower. I dress in what I'm comfortable in (typically classic styles) and wear my hair the way that I like it (long with no style). Sounds boring but that's what works for me. The nice thing is I don't have to go and buy an entirely new wordrobe every season and I don't have to have my hair styled every six months to keep up.

    Not even touching the vampire thing with a ten foot pole as the Bible clearly states to stay away from that one.

    One thing for the guys to keep in mind. You look gay with tight pants. PLEASE spare us all and DON'T wear them!!!

  3. I have honestly never noticed the girls in running shorts trend. The faux hawk...never thought about it and really don't care. The vampire thing is completely idiotic, in my opinion. WAY over done. I completely agree with the comment above about the peace signs and lip puckers. That is completely stupid and just makes people who do it look ignorant. Those "peace" signs started as gang signs. Now, every surburban kid, regardless or race or socio-economic standing tries to pull off the "gangster" look. Why would you want to emulate a criminal? STOP IT!!!

  4. I used to do the peace sign thing, but then it #trended and so I stopped.

    The running short thing must be a southern thing... they call it the "girl uniform".

    As for the Vampire-Bible thing, where specifically does it say in the Bible? I am not refuting I just like scripture references to be backed up :)

    D-Ro... gangsters?! Don't even get me started... I taught in Vegas... all I can say is WOW!! I saw boys sagging their skinny jeans with baggy shirts and blinged out necklaces, what is that?
